Let Us Get to Know Algeria’s

O Algeria, Land of miracles,

and God’s testament creatures,

Beam of the Lord in His Holy Land,

Kindle to the world, filled with poetry.

like hymns to Algeria’s battles

Poet of the Revolution:Moufdi Zakaria

Glorious history

Essays throughout history

Algeria in the ancient era

The first historical stage of humanity is mediated between the prehistoric and medieval periods. Writing at this historical stage bears sensory indications of the beginning of history, and this writing is dealt with as a historical document that acquires its full significance within the context of the human need in that era to devise an advanced linguistic means of communication between human beings.

Algeria in the Islamic era

(Islam arrived in Algeria during the era of the Umayyad state in the wake of the conquest process, which took a long period of time from the era of the Rashidun caliph Umar bin Al-Khattab (22 AH - 642 AD) to the campaign of Musa bin Naseer, in which the conquest was completed in the year (95 AH - 714 AD).

Algeria in the modern era

In the face of what the world witnessed in the modern era of events and profound transformations between the two shores of the Mediterranean, Algeria knew a new speed and rhythm, thanks to which it was able to become a striking regional power, imposing itself and even controlling the pattern of international relations in this multiple space, so it influenced and was affected thanks to the cultural wealth it possessed. Civilizational openness, economic vitality and deterrent marine power

Algeria in contemporary history

At the beginning of the contemporary period, Algeria was subjected to a fierce colonial campaign, through which colonialism tried to steal from the Algerian his Algerianness and to kill humanity in the Algerian man. Contemporary to write the greatest stories and paint the most beautiful pictures of sacrifice and loyalty, and if the November Revolution was a revolution of liberation and human values, then our revolution today is the revolution of construction and reconstruction

New era

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