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The mausoleum of Imedghassen

This kind of ancient Punic tombs is known as developed Bazina; professor Mohamed Hussein named it  based on the development of  its construction methods ,and the quality of the decoration  methods of its architecture.

One of the most prominent kind is the  Mauritanian mausoleum in Sidi Rashid ,located on the linking road between the capital (Algiers) and the city of  Tipaza, and  the mausoleum of Imedghassen located in the north east of Batna on the road linking between Batna and Constantine. This type of developed Bazina is one of the best that we have discovered from the Numidian architecture,  which drained  its construction methods from the Punic architecture  influenced by the Mediterranean civilizations, like the Greek and Egyptian ones.

Mausolée des Rois numides dit le Medracen -2.JPG

Mausoleum of the Numidian  Imedghassen  Batna