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Tassili n'ajjer

The archeological excavations in the Algerian Sahara have discovered material traces and rock writings dating back to the prehistoric period which led the archaeologists to the evidence  of either  the relative density of the population or that those people have stayed a long period in that place. The Tassili is among these important sahara places in which permitted humain settled , located in the south east of Algeria, which knew a great civilization that included the central sahara and extended to some parts of the sahel.

The study of the rock writings and what it contains from  symbols and drawings is considered as an important way to know the history of mankind, their way of living ,their lifestyle and their daily life, especially during the prehistoric era, it shows us a lot about their daily life  through those symbols and writings in bright colors reflecting  their reality lived at that time.

showing the importance of the region was done thanks to the efforts of scientists in introducing the ancient civilization heritage of the people of the region through the writings and symbols on the rocks in order To determine the time frame of its important stage. and the writings of  the most prominent contemporary reasercher  who studied and wrote down the stages of the rock arts or quoted it from ancient researchers and the efforts made by those in charge was the reason  that prompted the UNESCO to register it as a world heritage in Algeria in 1982