The Emir Abdelkader resistance 1832-1847
This resistance represents one of the most important stages in the armed combat against French colonization in its first phase. After giving loyalty to Emir Abdelkader on November 27th, 1832, while he was young , he initiated the project of building a modern state, so his life was full of military, political and urban achievements. This resistance can be divided into 3 periods:
2– The stage of power
Emir Abdelkader worked on the union of several tribes concerning El-Jihad affair. He spread his power on most of west Algeria, and he chose the city Mascara as his capital, then started organizing the resistance. He was able to conquer “Arziou” port to supply the resistance, then he started organizing the army, in addition to the artillery squads who trained them for gang war. In the context of military organization, in addition to the union of military and legal commands that proved discipline and strictness in the military institution, such as: putting a sequential order for military ranks, like it follows: Sergeant, rank president, swordsman. The Agha divided the main units in the organizational military into brigades, and each one included one hundred soldiers. He transmitted his power to other regions of the country, it included a big part of Tlemcen, Meliana, Titteri (Medea). Emir Abdelkader’s influence was spread across the Algerian west, especially after his military victories. Furthermore, he started to threaten the French colonization in Oran and Arziou, which led to impose a truce on the French that resulted in making a treaty known as the French leaders name in Oran “The Desmichels’ treaty in February 26th 1834. Except that the General “Trezel” who replaced the General “Desmichels” since 1835 did not respect it, and tried to find the opportunity to fight Emir once again and violate the peace treaty. He indeed seized the opportunity when tribes, departments, and fellowship took refuge in him. Emir Abdelkader asked the General “Trezel” to deny those tribes protection, in order for him to gain them back, except that he refused his request. The fight between the two restarted in the courtyard of “Moulay Ismail” forest near Siq city in June 26th 1835, where the Siq battle took place, and the French were defeated. They met again in the Macta battle, on June 27th, where the French forces had known a heinous defeat that had repercussions and effects, including:
1– Dismissing the general governor “Derlon” and General “Trezel”.
2– Designating “Marshal Closel” as a general governor in Algeria in July 1835, and sending big forces to face Emir Abdelkader. Closel attacked Mascara, Emir’s province, but he found it depopulated so he left. However, Emir’s armies were controlling the highway between Tlemcen and Oran provinces, therefore, the French army was blocked in the city. To lift the embargo, General “Peugeot” led a big military campaign, and won a victory in “Oued Sekak” in 1836. The resistance expanded which obliged Peugeot to temporarily make peace with Emir Abdelkader, so they signed the Tafna treaty on May 30th 1836, aiming at: Destroying the Ahmad Bay resistance in the Algerian west. –Making special military troops specially for mountain wars. –Breaking the siege on the French stations. – Waiting for the military supplies from France.
3– The stage of organizing the state (1837-1839)
Emir Abdelkader benefited from the Tafna treaty, to empower his military forces, and organizing his state through administrative reforms, and the following military organizations:
1– Form a small ministerial council, that included: the prime minister, vice president, minister of Forreign affairs, treasury minister, endowments minister, the tithes minister, ZAKAT, and the clerks ministers who are three as needed. This ministry designated Mascara as its capital.
2– Establishing a sovereign consultative council that consisted of 11 members representing different regions.
3– The administrative division of the country into provinces, each ruled by a successor. He divided the province into many departments each had a leader called Agha and included tribes led by him. The leader is followed by an administrative manager named “Sheikh”.
4– Organizing the budget according to the Zakat concept , and impose additional taxes to cover the Jihad expenses and reinforcing schools…ect
5– Reinforcing the military force with arms and ammunition workshops, and building bastions on the verge of the desert toincrease his army’s effectiveness.
6– Creating a national flag, and an official slogan for the state.
4– The weakness stage (1839-1847)
“Charles Vale” initiated the Tafna treaty violation by making his forces cross the lands who belonged to Emir Abdelkader, and things started to be in favor of the enemy after taking over Emir’s capital “Tegdemt” in 1841. This was followed by the fall of fellowship, and the ambulatory capital of Emir in 1843. As a consequence, Emir went to Morocco in October 1843 who first supported him, then had to abbandon him due to bombing the French fleet in the cities Tanger and Souira which made him return to Algeria in September 1945 trying to organize the resistence once again. However, it was a hard task to accomplish, especially after losing his most important assistants. Therefore, he thought about crossing the borders again, except that the Moroccan sultan expelled him from the country because he was threatened by the French. When the blockade got worse, he suggested to the French leader “Lamorissier” that he would surrender, on the condition that they would let him travel whenever he wanted. However, the French authorities did not commit to its promise, and put him in “Lambez” prison for five years then was released. He then decided to immigrate with his family and supporters, and spent the rest of his life in Damascus, until he passed away in May 1883.
l'embargo, le général "Peugeot" mena une grande campagne militaire, et remporta une victoire à "Oued Sekak" en 1836. La résistance s'étendit ce qui obligea Peugeot à faire temporairement la paix avec l'émir Abdelkader, ils signèrent donc le traité de Tafna le 30 Mai 1836, visant à : Détruire la résistance d'Ahmad Bay dans l'ouest algérien. –Préparer des troupes militaires spéciales spécialement pour les guerres de montagne. –Cesser le siège des gares françaises. – Attendre les fournitures militaires de la France.
3– La phase d'organisation de l'État (1837-1839)
L'émir Abdelkader a profité du traité de Tafna pour renforcer ses forces militaires et organiser son État par les réformes administratives et les organisations militaires suivantes :
· Former un petit conseil ministériel, qui comprenait : le premier ministre, le vice-président, le ministre des affaires étrangères, le ministre du Trésor, le ministre des dotations, le ministre des dîmes, ZAKAT, et les ministres greffiers qui sont trois au besoin. Ce ministère a désigné Mascara comme sa capitale.
· Mettre en place un conseil consultatif souverain composé de 11 membres représentant différentes régions.
· La division administrative du pays en provinces, gouvernées chacune par un successeur. Il a divisé la province en plusieurs départements ayant chacun un chef appelé Agha et comprenant des tribus dirigées par lui. Le chef est suivi d'un responsable administratif nommé « Cheikh ».
· Organiser le budget selon le concept de la Zakat, et imposer des taxes supplémentaires pour couvrir les dépenses du Jihad et renforcer les écoles.
· Renforcer la force militaire avec des ateliers d'armes et de munitions, et construire des bastions aux portes du désert pour augmenter l'efficacité de son armée.
· Créer un drapeau national et un slogan officiel pour l'État.
· Tisser des relations diplomatiques avec certains pays.
4—La phase de faiblesse (1839-1847)
Le maréchal Valée a initié la violation du traité de Tafna en faisant traverser à ses forces les terres qui appartenaient à l'émir Abdelkader, et la situation a commencé à être en faveur de l'ennemi après avoir pris le contrôle de la capitale de l'émir "Tegdemt" en 1841. Cela a été suivi par la chute de la Smala, la capitale ambulatoire de l'Emir en 1843. En conséquence, l’Emir s’est rendu au Maroc en octobre 1843 qui l’a soutenu en premier lieu, puis a dû l'abandonner en raison des bombardements de la flotte française sur les villes de Tanger et de Souira. Cela l’a poussé à retourner en Algérie en Septembre 1945 essayant d'organiser à nouveau la résistance populaire. Cependant, ce fut une tâche difficile à accomplir, surtout après avoir perdu ses assistants les plus importants. Dès lors, il songea à retraverser les frontières, sauf que le sultan marocain l'expulsa du pays car il était menacé par les Français. Lorsque le blocus s'est aggravé, il a suggéré au dirigeant français "Lamorissier" de se rendre, à condition qu'ils le laissent voyager quand il le souhaite. Cependant, les autorités françaises n'ont pas tenu leur promesse et l'ont mis à la prison de "Lambez" pendant cinq ans avant de le libérer. Il décide alors d'immigrer avec sa famille et ses partisans, et passe le reste de sa vie à Damas, jusqu'à sa mort en mai 1883.