The Sufi sects with all their intellectual and behavioral orientations represented the most important elements of Algerian society for a long period of time, and a significant part of its religious, cultural and social history and even the political one. It also played a significant role in preserving the spiritual safety of Algerians and the union of the Malkism doctrine, connecting Algeria to its Islamic median background, and fighting all the internal movements off the zone.
There is no doubt that culture-producing societies are globally dominant while others remain empty societies, living only in imported cultural illusion. The cultural life in Algeria was known for its vitality, with a very active product that achieved a set of social and individual goals and benefits. Colonialism tried to obliterate its features and hybridize this distinct cultural heritage. Our lack of knowledge of our cultural history and the extent of its historical depth made us feel that all our culture came to us from the other, and one of the most important manifestations of this ignorance is our lack of knowledge of a large number of Algerian scholars between the 16th and 19th centuries AD in the field of religion, jurisprudence, literature and science.