Algerian diplomacy
During modern times The Algerian government has enjoyed all its power as a sovereign state and a great force capable of striking a balance of power in the Mediterranean sea during the eighteenth century. Its maritime force played a pivotal role in ensuring the security of the Algerian state and security of international trade in the Mediterranean sea in general. Algeria has realized the European threat surrounding it therefore it has attempted to prepare for a political, military and economical confrontation, the effectiveness of its strategic position has led Algeria to focus on building a maritime military force in order to face enemies. This led the European states to work on eradicating this state as a necessary step to build a colonial project in the region.
First: Algeria’s international statute :
Algeria has arisen in a unique way in the history of the Mediterranean sea, a French Nobel on his way to Istanbul has given his vivid impression about the special gravity that the Algerian city had in its highest strength , He describes the city of Algiers it as the whip placed on the Christian world, it is Europe’s horror, Italy and Spain’s container, and the leader of the islands…. The inability of Europeans to nail Algeria with the sea bomb/opportunity has helped the city to keep that heavy tiring load, as for the European rulers the Algerian heads have always been the great glorious men…. their city highly protected, and jihad was always against infidels.
during modern times, the Algerian government enjoyed all of its powers as a sovereign state, this appears through :
1-has its own money and makes its own seals.
2-the Algerian government had the right to conclude international treaties and deals of all types even with the states hostile to the ottoman empire.
3-enjoying its full independence along with the strongest European states as well as the United states of America.
Professor Saad Allah believes that from 1516 to 1830 the Algerian state has come into existence based on its geopolitical and economic unity, in addition to the intellectual and spiritual unity founded since the Islamic conquest. The state was supported by most of the Algerian population and enhanced with a land army and a maritime fleet, a flag and a parliament, cash and a capital. At the same time the Algeria state had its tradition and diplomacy in accordance with the international law back then, as well as the emergence of a feeling of nationalism between the people which made them rush to support this young state, and protect this dear country from fanatic Christians.
During the eighteenth century Its maritime fleet reached a great level of power and was able to establish a system of navigation in the Mediterranean sea , a system that guarantees the security of the state in general regarding international trade in the Mediterranean sea. It is what led the European states to work on ending this system under the shadow of the so-called piracy exercised by some Europeans adventurous groups f with the consent of their states. Whereas the work done by Algeria was defensive to face the occupation’s expansion that had started in the fifteenth century and for which Algeria voluntarily entered the ottoman caliphate.
Because of Algeria’s power the European states were paying taxes to the Algerian state for peace and protection or for trade exchange , kingdom of Sicilians, kingdom of Sardinia , Portugal , kingdom Tuscany , Spain, Austria ,England, Netherlands ,Hanover, Germany, Sweden , Denmark, and France.
Second , Algerian diplomacy :
During this period the Algerian diplomacy was based on two basic principles:
First principle: every state shall be considered as belligerent until it signs a friendship and peace treaty with Algeria.
Second principle :every treaty not recognizing the superiority of Algeria’s marine in the Mediterranean sea cannot be accepted from Algeria, the aim of building a maritime force was never for invasion or piracy as it is sited in the books of western historians, it is rather to safeguard the Algerian territory when Christians wants to invade it. it intensified in the hands of Spanish fighters after the fall of Granada 1492 as a continuation to what was called the new conquest or conquista .
We can distinguish between two kind of external relations of Algeria :
-Inclusive collaborative dimension within the Framework of the ottoman empire.
-A hostile dimension towards European countries due to the role played by Algeria
Third the external relations of Algeria :
The source of Algeria’s strength in the modern times is due to its total awareness of the European threat surrounding the state, thus the pursuit to prepare itself to face it politically ,militarily and economically and the effectiveness of its strategic location led it to focus on building a military force in order to face enemies .
Algeria‘s foreign policy can be shown through the study of the relation with the prominent states of the world back then.
1- Relations with the ottoman empire :
*mutual cooperation and the role of the ottoman empire in providing assistance and aid to Algeria at the beginning of its establishment.
*coordination of the efforts to face the crusade threat.
*The support of the Algerian naval fleet to the ottoman empire in many situations like the battle of Lepanto on 9 October, 1571.
*The dependency of Algeria on the ottoman empire was only nominal .
2- relations with the eastern west
*The contribution of the Algerian fleet in repelling the crusade aggression on the Islamic east such as the campaign of Napoleon in Egypt in 1798.
*Allocation of a part of the waqf or funds to the two holy mosques.
*Mutual dynamic trade relations.
Cultural and civilized communication with all Islamic regions and the gulf sheikhs
3 relations with the Islamic Maghreb:
According to the geographical proximity, the language, religious unity and the common destiny Algeria has worked on liberating the region ( from Tripoli to the west coast) from the European hegemony with its naval fleet, and it appears through its role in defeating the Portuguese in the battle of ouadi el mkhazen (elmoulouk) on 4th of august 1578, after fighting the Christian aggressions mostly on the coasts of the Maghreb.
4 Relations with the European countries :
a- Algerian-Spanish relations :
After the fall of Andalusia in 1492, the Spaniards started to expand on the west bank and were able since the early fifteenth century to take over Ceuta from the Portuguese and to invade Melila in 1497 and reached west Tripoli.
In 1505 They occupied mers elkébir, in Oran in 1909 and Bejaia in 1810 and imposed conditions on the cities of Dellys, Ténes, Mostaganem and Algiers, the occupation was recognized by the emirate of Beni ziane ,so the habitants were able to deal with this only by cooperating with the ottomans.
Since Algeria emerged as a power inspiring fear to protect its own security and independence, Spaniards’ ambitions has increased by the late 15th century and 16th century to exploit its mineral, agricultural and animal resources, weakening its power and taking over its powerful fleet as well as its maritime power to which it was reckoned with in that bright era in the Mediterranean sea.
Khayr ad din was able to repulse the attack on Algiers in 1541, more than 3000 Spanish soldiers were killed in this attack, tens of the ships were destroyed, the wind was a contributor in the destruction of the Spanish ships on the Algerian coast and this great victory had an impact on changing the balance of power in the Mediterranean sea. The Algerian naval fleet became a tough adversary to the European power.
Spain has launched 10 raids on Algeria, the first one was on 31st of July 1775 with the commands of Don Pedro Castejon and the general Orly with nearly 25 thousand soldiers and 400 maritime units.
This campaign ended with the failure of Spain to enter Algeria which lead it to hold negotiation with the Dey Mohamed Othman bacha who refused to negotiate with the Spaniards despites the attempts of the ottoman sultan, Spaniards tried to occupy Algeria a second time in the 1st of august 1784 under the leadership of Don Intito Paratilo in cooperation with Portugal, which started shelling the city of Algiers but for the second time they did not succeed in occupying the city of Algiers .
The Spaniards tried for the third time to occupy Algiers on 11 July 1784 with 130 large ships and an alliance with knights of Malta and Napoli with the pope’s blessings, however they didn’t succeed so they have decided to stop definitely and follow diplomatic approaches in dealing with Algeria, but in spite of that the Algerian Spanish relations did not reach a mutual understanding.
However the achievement of peace between them in which Spain has paid Algeria about four million dollars from 1785 to 1790 punctuated by a treaty between Mohamed Otman Bacha Dey of Algiers and King of Spain Don Carlos the third on 14th of June 1786.
The Most important point of the treaty were:
1-Spain paying 60 thousand dollars to Algeria every month
2-providing every new consul gifts of no less than 42 thousand dollars.
3-spain should abandon all prosecution demanding three vessels.
4-to pay 30 thousand dollars to the ministers of the day and statesmen.
In general Algeria had to impose its conditions on the Spaniards so that they won’t come back again and try to seize the country and its combatants, Thus, Relations between Algeria and Spain were bad from the start, the Spanish wars in Africa took a true crusade character regarding the outstanding role played by churchmen and priests .Spain focused on its enthusiasm and audacity in this battle against Africans, it considered the battle as its own one.
a- Algerian American relations:
Relations between Algeria and the united states of America were characterized with a kind of coldness because of Algeria’s positions regarding some economic cases , and the hostility between the two countries existed especially after signing the treaty of peace with Spain in 1786
The Algerian-American relations went through four phases:
The first one 1785-1775:
This period was marked by attractions between the states and instability in positions America tried for many times to establish relation with Algeria through European mediators like France, Holland and Britain ,however the attempts failed, then declaration of the war against America in 1785 due to Algeria’s capture of two American ships and took the Americans on board as prisoners .
The united states of America was hostile to Algeria in that period and attempted to form a European alliance hostile to Algeria with an apparent aim to stop the Algerian power in the Mediterranean sea and the east Atlantic, with the hidden aim to control the seas, however this policy failed especially after the treaty of peace between Algeria and Spain in 1785.
The second phase 1785-1795
The period between 1795-1785 has know instability in the relation of the two states , the American positions have varied within the united states of America , a position calling for the necessity of peace with Algeria in order to protect it interests in the Mediterranean sea , and another position calling for hostility and the necessity to fight Algeria ,but the first position was predominant and have contributed in signing a treaty of peace and friendship between the two states on the 5th of September 1795 signed by George Washington as the American side and Hassan Bacha as the Algerian side, the treaty consists of 22 clause most important ones were the good neighboring and the protection of American warships and merchant ships in the Mediterranean sea and the west Atlantic ocean , the treaty states the exchange of prisoners and the non-exposure of the Americans in all the territories of the Algerian state.
The third phase 1795-1815:
This phase knew a considerable tension between the two parties and that’s due to the implementation of the 1795 treaty regarding taxation in which the agreement about paying it was a war assets, but the united states’ side wanted to do otherwise, this led to declare war between the two states where most European countries stood with united states like Sweden ,Spain and England in the 1807 war .the consequences of this war were the degradation of the relations between the two countries, the fragile peace and the cautious rapprochement has shown its essential nature interests and not friendship and fraternity as mentioned in the 1795 treaty, this situation stayed until 1815 and it was the date of the second Algerian American treaty.
fourth phase :1815-1830:
This period was characterized with the cold relations between the two states that did not last long. Its particularities were the increase of the European power and erosion of the Algerian power as well as the inability to keep pace with the global growth in that period.
C- relations between Britain and Algeria:
were more complex and that is due in the first place to Britain being a naval force in the ocean and a colonial state occupying territories all over the world , in this regard the conflict between the Algerian and English fleet has been intense in order to reach dominance. The British politics were relying on two principles:
1-to ensure their economy with the states bordering the sea, especially strong states.
2-france’s completion on the Islamic Maghreb coast
The English Algerian relations were strong. De Gromont affirmed that Britain in the early years of the sixteenth century used to trade with Algeria and the trade was so developed that the catholic states couldn’t compete in this field … They sold military and maritime supplies for oil wool and cereals.
However the developments happening Europe as well as the return of peace in the continent after hostility between the countries , the development of the sense of competition and piracy has led Britain to enter the Algerian completion arena, despite being the most powerful European country Britain launched many military campaign on Algeria such as the 1669 campaign on Algiers and the devastated Bejaia in 1671,attacked the Algerian vessels in the middle of the sea and ended with a treaty on April 6th, 1682 between Dey Baba Hassen and king Charles the second, Britain abandoned 350 commercial naval units due to the defeat of the English fleet.
Britain’s most important campaign was on 27th of august 1816 led by lord Exmouth where the British and Dutch allied against Algeria concluded with a treaty:
-treating prisoners in the future as prisoners and not slaves and exchange them without ransom.
-the complete prohibition to enslave European Christians in the future.
-Release of all slaves located in Algeria regardless of their nationality.
The second important incident with Britain happened in 1824 when the naval fleet raided the city of Algiers on 11 July 1824 where Britain tried to impose its conditions on Algeria and were unilaterally abolished by Dey Hussein in 1825 and expelled the British consul from Algeria.
D -relation between Algeria and France:
France was since the sixteenth century enjoying special commercial trade privileges in Algeria, during the 16th and the early 17th century France established relations with the ottoman empire for military alliance. The ottomans’ aim of it was to face Spaniards and destroy the Spanish maritime force as well as prohibiting any European military blocs against the ottoman empire where France is a part of it.
The result of the French ottoman alliance which was supported by trade agreements gave France the freedom of navigation in the territorial waters controlled by ottomans.
France was the first European state who got trade privileges in Algeria which led to the establishment of diplomatic relations and foundation of a French consul in Algeria in 1580.
France’s aim in establishing diplomatic relations with Algeria was because of its greediness in exploiting its economic benefits and to monopolize the investment in coral for which the Algerian coast was a very important source to it. Completing with the Spaniards and taking their place in north Africa, thus controlling over the rich regions with natural resources. and was able to establish the first company Lanche in 1561 during the reign of Dey Hassan Ibn Kheir Eddine.
During the reign of Louis the fourteenth who aspired to establish a French colonial empire and launched several military campaigns against the Algerian ports from 1683 to 1688 they all ended up failing because of the strong Algerian maritime fleet.
During the French revolution in 1789 the relations witnessed a development, since Algeria recognized the new French republic, in a time when France was under the European blockade.
Europe formed a bloc to eradicate the republic known as the seven blocks .In 1793 Algeria loaned the French revolutionary government two million francs with no interests with the condition of using this money to buy cereals from Algeria .
During the reign of napoleon the first, relations between the country became better than before and France got back its privileges in 1801 but the consul Napoleon of bois Thanville ruined the relations and the crisis went back to what it was like before and aggravated in 1805 especially after signing the treaty of peace with Russia in 1807 known as the treaty of Tilsit
After the Vienna conference, France appointed Pierre devale as a new consul and relations between the two countries returned to normal especially after the British campaign on Algeria in 1816.
The events accelerated between 1815 and 1830, in a time when France was planning to conquer Algeria through observing Algeria’s weakness and strength on its coasts, Algeria was welcoming enemies and giving privileges and assistance to them.
The relations between Algeria and the European countries were characterized mostly by hostility that appears through the enormous amounts of wars and battles between Algeria and the European states, as well as peaceful relations through trade exchange and conclusion of conventions and treaties.
Algerians back then whatever was said in the level of their awareness or, their social situation and their lifestyle whether they were Arabs travelers (rhala) or residents habitants of the region, whether they were stick to the old or open to the new whether they were rebels or subordinate to the local government, divided or united they all believed in an independent state uniting the north and resists foreign interference, influence and exploitation.
Since the beginning of the French occupation in Algeria in 1830, the diplomacy was devoted to the Algerian cause regarding its role on the international level with its contribution in protecting the interests and alegating the intensity of wars as well as efforts to bring back the stolen sovereignty from French colonialism.
Second _ the Algerian diplomacy’s activity at the beginning of French occupation
a-the diplomatic efforts of Otman ben khouja
Otman ibn khouja is considered as an eminent figures who accomplished a great diplomatic effort during the early years of the French occupation in Algeria , according to the book Algeria’s Algerians of Mahfoud Kaddach after the arrival of the African delegation to Algeria to investigate in its political, economic and social situation assuring in the report the necessity to join Algeria as a French province this made Othman Ibn Hamdan khouja and Ibrahim Ibn Moustapha pacha submit a petition to show their rejection on that regard, it was submitted to the French minister of the war Duc Soult in 25th of July 1834 condemning the economical ,political and social situation of Algeria since the French occupation started and the transgressions of French generals against Algerians
the author adds Abu Kacem Sallah in the book lectures in Algeria’s modern history beginnings of the occupation he adds that both Ahmed Bouderba and Hamdan Ibn Amine and Hamdan Ibn Otman Khouja traveled to the French capital to attend the meetings of the second African committee residing there they expressed their clear opinion regarding the French existence in Algeria and the new relation between their citizens and French people Hamdan Ibn Otman Khouja presented a memorandum to the committee about suggestions on the future of Algeria he also published an important book entitled the mirror in which he explained the situation in Algeria after the occupation which caused an outcry of the public opinion in France causing him to be expelled from Algeria because in his book criticized the colonial administration in Algeria.
b-diplomacy of Ahmad Bey :
The resistance of Ahmed Bey was diplomatic, based on the writings of author Mahfoud Kaddache the seniors of Constantine and Ahmed Bey submitted a request to the British parliament in 1834 to initiate defending Algeria's human rights . In another letter sent by Ahmed bey to the high ottoman Porte to Namik bacha in the 06th of June 1837 ,it involved a request for assistance in the name of religion and the Islamic affiliation, he also sent a letter to the minister of the navy in 1840 in which he included the admonition and referred to the negligence and default from the high Porte since it is the only refuge to support Muslim community who were facing colonial brutality , the historian Abu Kacem Saad Allah adds that Hadj Ahmed Bey faced many diplomatic pressures in the form of correspondence with general Clausel negotiating to keep him Bey of Constantine and stay committed to pay the taxes, however these correspondences were all rejected. There were also correspondences sent by Ahmed bey with a delegation led by mister Belhouan to the prime minister Raouf bacha who persisted in asking in his letter for financial assistance to face the French occupation.
c-diplomacy of Emir Abdelkader ibn Muhieddine:
according to writings of the British researcher Charles Henry Cherchil and doctor Omar Bouhouch they confirmed that Emir Abdel Kader (1808-1883) and under the good governance of his state, the effort of diplomacy related to concluding treaties and correspondences , was characterized by the subjugation of the French generals to sign it. The most important treaty was the Desmichell treaty on 26 February 1834, by which general Desmichelle accepted its clauses serving the interests of Emir Abdelkader. few years later AbdelKader and his army fought in the battle of Tafna in 1836 , tight after his victory he bet on concluding the treaty of Tafna on may20,1837 with general Bugeaud as a result of the lack of ammunition and provision of weapons to his army .
The treaty of Tafna relied on choosing peace followed with some clauses which the French army had exploited to put an end to the resistance of Ahmed bey in the east of Algeria. Emir Abdelkader sent another letter to the minister of the navy Bernard in 1839 denouncing all the French violations to what was stated in the treaty in 1837 , the second letter dated in 1840 it was sent by AbdelKader to Abdelmadjid the second explaining the harsh situation in Algeria reproaching him on his inaction to assist Algeria .
Second the diplomatic efforts of the national movement 1919-1954:
The movement of Emir Khaled:
According to the historian :
According to the historian Ibrahim myasi the beginnings of the diplomatic path of Emir Khaled Hasni (1875-1936) were linked with the submission of a petition requesting the American president Wilson during the peace conference in Versailles 1919 to apply the principles of Wilson 14, including the right of self-determination.
Yousef Menasria adds in his book "revolutionary path in the Algerian national movement" that the prince Khald el Hassni has taken advantage of the arrival of the French president Alexander Millerand to Algiers and addressed his allocution in front of him and asked for Algeria's right for freedom in April 20,1922.
By 1924 on the occasion of the French’s left victory in the presidential elections Amir Khaled sent a letter to president Edouard Herriot ,its content varied from political, social, economic and religious matters. Emir Khaled went to France he was received by the communist party, where he was allowed to give a lecture to north African people and was objective and had a great emotional power that reached the national feeling leading to the willingness of cooperation shown by the migrants, it has encouraged founding the comity of maghrebian workers and unified them . They were able to spread the idea of founding the association of Najm elchamal al ifriki or ENA(star of north Africa) in Bouches-du-Rhône However the conditions did not allow them to continue their activity still the prominent personalities in the association continued their activity and it ended up with the birth of Najm echamal al afriki (star of north Africa), Emir khaled was the honorary president of the association. And due to the French colonial restriction Emir Khaled left Paris in autumn of 1924 after French left and right joined on launching a campaign against him he then went to Alexandria and couldn’t continue his trip to Damascus since he was prohibited to enter regions occupied by France, France directed accusations to him and that’s when he disappeared from the political arena until he died in January 10, 1936, in Damascus.
b- independent trend:
This trend was represented by Najm echamal ifriki (star of north Africa) in 1926 and extended to the Algerian people’s party in 1937 as well as democratic movement’s victory party in 1946 since the beginning this trend had a lot of activities on the international stage. The participation of Missali El Haj in the Bruxelles congress 1927, was the first diplomatic step in which he exposed the Algerian case presenting several demands and calling for Algeria’s independence, the leaders and militants of this party, that have been dissolved many time, were either exiled or imprisoned due to the French restriction because of the party’s radical position about the colonial policy in Algeria. Nevertheless the party continued its diplomatic activities where Algerian people’s party( chaab el djazairi) held an association between Tunisia and Algeria and Fes in 1983 demanding to release Missali Elhaj and Allal Faci and Lahbib Bourkiba assuring with that the unity of (najm chhamal ifriqia).
The status of the independence trend got enhanced internationally especially after the foundation of the party: movement for the triumph of democratic liberties (harakat intissar el houriyat eldimouqratia) in 1946 its leadership has contributed in holding several connections with political Tunisian and Moroccan parties aiming to unify the common political fight to free north Africa .
The historian Mohamed Herbi points out that after holding the meeting of the central committee on December 1948 the leaders have launched a new policy to look for a common point with the Tunisian constitutional party (doustour) and the istklal or independence marakchi party on the military side and to investigate on the possibilities to supply weapons from the Arab league
Youssef benkheda’s book roots of 1st November confirms that The party has issued a memorandum in march 1949 an sent it to the united nations and that was an anticipated step to denounce what is considered de facto policy to annex Algeria to the NATO alliance, considering it as a rude attempt to undermine the national Algerian personality the party sent a petition through its deputies to the colonial authorities announcing officially that the Algerians do not recognize any international alliance in which they did not participate in its conclusion and they are determined to not participat in any armed conflict in which his intrusts and rights are undermined, adding that the party has protested through its committee established in 1948 to support Palestinians denouncing any project aiming to divide Palestine by the Zionist entity the party established also a committee in 1948 to support Palestinians assuring on the level of the Algerian people’s cohesion with the Palestinian brothers , another party was presented by on 20 September to the untied nations body exposing north African position generally and Algeria’s position especially, according to the writing of the layer Abderhaman Kiwan and the historian Yahia Bouaziz the foreign policy to the independence trend was based on important principals represented in choosing neutrality with the American and soviet powers as well as provoking the sympathy of the states against imperialism in favour of the Algerian cause and to ensure the unity of north Africa .
C –liberal trend
This trend was represented by Farhat Abbass’ party who was working on avoiding confrontation and collision with French colonialism and looking for a legal solution to the Algerian case.
In his book problematic of the evolution and expansion of the Algerian revolution, researcher Jamal Guendel confirms the efforts of the democratic union (el itihad eldimoqrati) party in publicizing the Algerian case was modest had hardly no effects because of his political vision to solve the case only by connecting it to the French field. However, we can point out some of its diplomatic positions such as calling the American president Roosevelt where mister Farhat Abass gave him a description of the situation of Algeria, furthermore he has participated in the anti-imperialist conference for Africa Held in London in 1948. Yahia Bouaziz says that the democratic union (el itihad eldimoqrati) has directed a memorandum to the united nation gathered in Paris in 1948 affirming its attachment to the principle of cooperation with small and big nations to achieve a happy world asking the united nations to apply the principles of the Atlantic charter in 1941 as well as the San Francisco charter in 1945 stipulating the eradication of the colonial system. Mahfoud Keddach adds that Abbas seized the chance in the conference of 1949 in the United Nations and called for the preservation of freedom and peace, reminding the international commitment to work on decolonization.
D- the reformist trend :
The movement was adopted by the Association of Algerian Muslim scholars ( Djamiat olama muslimin) founded in 1931, it had enormous efforts in publicizing the Algerian case and explaining its reality in the shadow of French colonisation, in order to enable the people of the Levant the official organ’s and people’s organs to see the truth, so that they provide help. This was assured by the efforts of Sheikh Fadil Wertilani who settled in Cairo in 1938 and established several associations that he used to defend Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco and their liberation. In addition to the speeches, lectures and writing in newspapers, sending lectures to the Arab league and the united nation. Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi pointed out in his book the effects of imam Al-Bachir Ibrahimi the association has interacted with international events for example the case of the murder of trade unionist Farhat hashed, through sending letters to the secretary general of the united nations denouncing that crime and sending letters to protest to the French president denying the expulsion of the Moroccan king Mohamed the fifth, Ahmed Taleb ads in his diaries dreams and miseries that the association has interacted with the Arab modern cases such as the Palestinian tragedy and denounced the monstrosity of the Zionist oppression through its papers Lisan haliha and basaiir.
The historian Mohamed Arabi Zoubiri adds that cheikh ibrahimi seized the opportunity in his participation in December, 1951 with the leaders of national configuration in communicating and raise awareness of the Arab and Islamic delegation attending the united nation’s activities regarding the case of Algerian people . His stay in Egypt since 1952 had a great role in publicizing the Algerian case as a result of his meetings with many eminent persons ,praising the efforts and role of Arab brothers in supporting and adopting the Algerian case .
Lastly and through what we previously stated we conclude that the Algerian diplomacy from 1830 to 1954 paved the way and facilitated the work of the national liberation front in internationalizing the Algerian case from 1954 to 1962 dc.
I. The role of the Algerian diplomacy during the liberation revolution :
The diplomatic efforts during the Algerian revolution had a great role if not a major one in the independence of the county . The vigorous movement of the members of the liberation national front contributed in achieving the real goal for which the revolutionary war started on the first of November 1954; the independence of Algeria .
The leaders of the national front had assured on the necessity of depending on the first place on the armed fight, the situation changed directly after about three years from the beginning of the holy revolution, these years knew diplomatic movements especially after soumame conference, focusing especially on :
-the Isolation of the enemy in the diplomatic field
-Winning new friends inside and outside the country.
-Getting financial, moral and material assistance.
-Supporting Algerian national institutions in order to recognize its political system .
-The continuing pressure on colonialism with the use of media exhaustion.
-Internationalization of the Algerian case
Moving the Algerian suffering and miseries abroad to inform the international public opinion on the aggressive acts committed by the French army against Algerian people. It should be mentioned that the international situation back then contributed in making things continent to the diplomatic movement. We can say the African-Asian conference held on April 17, 1955 in Bandung was a starting and a transformation point in the Algerian struggle and especially the political role of the liberation front. it concluded with a communiqué of solidarity with the Algerian revolution in the struggle against French colonialism, moreover according to some political observers and analysts the military, political and even diplomatic organization which characterized the front of liberation and the liberation army started with the held of the soummam conference in august 20,1956 considering the radical changes made by the conference on this level ,through the division of the six revolutionary wilayas some of were called zones and other regions and divisions.
This led to boost to the revolution since the missions were defined with accuracy whether it was on the political level or military one or the communication level as well as the side regarding the supplying of media propaganda and formation. A number of infrastructures have been installed in the national front such as the committee of coordination and implementation in its first year it played the role of a committee interested in external affairs.
In this regard the Algerian diplomacy and media played a major sensitive role represented in the declaration of the national liberation front As well as the press conferences held in different foreign capitals.
The representatives of the national liberation front (fln) have used the foreign media in the brother and friendly countries to demonstrate the start and the introduction of the Algerian revolution with its real goals and dimensions the national liberation front organized radio programs titled the voice of Algeria in Arabic broadcasted from Rabat, Tetouan and Tandja in morocco ,Tunisia and Cairo .
These programs continued airing even after the foundation of a secret revolution radio in the capital in 1957, there were also radio in the friendly countries airing news about the Algerian revolution in many languages foremost among which was the secret radio of Budapest it was broadcasting its programs under the title of the voice of independence and freedom these programs have served the Algerian revolution well. It was effective in planting the fighting spirit , to reinforce the belief in victory and elevate the morale of the Algerian people inside and outside the country in addition to mobilizing them for the revolution ,it was the best way to pass the diplomatic role to the leaders of the Algerian revolution.
The national liberation front has supported its media by publishing the newspapers el moujahid in 1956 and the Algerian revolution in 1955, it was the speaker of the national liberation front to defend all north Africa .
The revolution thanks to its political and diplomatic leaders’ instructions was able In a short time to achieve a great popularity on all provided ways despite the hard work in the theater cinema as well as publication that were available all around the world some of them were translated to several languages to persuade the worldwide public opinion with the legitimacy of the Algerian revolution and its justice. If this indicates anything it indicates the willingness of the leaders of the national liberation front and the necessity to immediately answer foreign media to the biased French perspective.
It was directed to the French people. Due to those cultural effective media activities the national liberation front was able to present Clear image of the Algerian’s people legitimate fight for public international opinion and expose the hideous crimes of colonialism and the right of auto determination.
The Algerian diplomacy was able back then to knock on Europe and the United states’ door and persuade their people with the just Algerian cause .Perhaps The first diplomatic achievement of the leadership of the national liberation front , the inclusion of the Algerian case in the agenda of the 10th session of the united nations. in September 20,1957 coinciding with the strike of merchants in Algeria , enabled to hear Algeria’s voice and to let the case out of the French hands who were always scared of this kind of embarrassing situation happening and showing it to the world as they were convincing to their allies that the Algerian case it was France’s matter
Algerian diplomacy had a great role in the transformation of the situation promoted by the French administration regarding what was called falaka , this latter made the first secret meeting with Mohamed Yazid who represented the national liberation front in the united nation on June 2nd , 1956. The power of Algerian diplomacy started showing during the liberation war in its first movement in the United nations regarding the Algerian case. When the general assembly of the united nations has issued a regulation on 15 October 1957 calling to find peaceful democratic solution to the Algerian case who considered like an" international headache"
This made the leaders of the national liberation front focus on the external stage and win another battle, a battle directed to the international public opinion. After one month of the United nation regulation , the delegation of coordination and implementation of the national liberation front has moved abroad to give a strong impression to the diplomatic action. The reports published exposing the operations of torture and genocides done by the French army has contributed in recruiting the volunteers abroad and raising the awareness of the international public onion about the Algerian case to both Arab brotherly countries or friendly countries .
This is how 1957 was the year of Algeria in the united nations; the case was exposed twice in the united nations in both the 11th and the 12th session. Then the case was presented in every session as a result of the political diplomatic struggle which played the most important role in fighting for the Algerian case and exposing the truth .
The number of the supporters of the struggle were getting bigger in a time when France’s position was going critical which led its allies to abandon it , the international isolation that France witnessed had a huge impact in affecting French politics who, and France was obliged to reconsider its own position .